Wednesday, October 5, 2016

8 Bible ways to know if you are a pharisee. Part 1

8 Bible ways to know if you are a pharisee!
Luke 18:9-14
1. You are a pharisee when you lack the ability to receive correction.
The Bible potrays the wise as the one who is eager to accept correction. Proverb 27:17 says Iron sharpen Iron. But rebuke a person who has a religious spirit, rebuke a pharisee who is saturated in his ego and the god of self and he/she will get angry, they will become defensive, they will become rebelious.
Notice: when you become too big to receive correction, you become too big for God to use!

2. You are a pharisee when you boast " I only listen to God not to men"
But the Bible commands us to submit ourselves one to the other (Heb 13:17, 1Peter 5:5)
Notice: let me tell you something, pharisee hate spiritual authority!

3. You are a pharisee when you have inclanation to see the wrong in other people.
Fault finding is not the fruit of the spirit. Fault finding entice you to focus on the inadquacy and imperfection of other people rather than the perfection of Jesus Christ.
Notice: We are not here to examine to each other, we are here to follow Jesus Christ.

4. You are a pharisee when you feel you have been up-hunted to fix others.
Jesus said we cannot fix others because of the beam in our eyes.
Paul said who are you to judge another for by his own master does he rise or stand.