Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Five areas to focus on before you can be called successful in life....
1. Your Spiritual life: the first area you need to focus on is your spiritual life. It talks about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Your passion about the things of God. Holiness and Rigteousness. A season will come when you don't pay attention to your spiritual life, it will begin to mess you up. So you must focus on spiritual succes, its a non-negoitiable index to measure success and growth.
2. Finance: is another area you most focus on if you mean bussiness with success. It dosent matter if you pray in tongues and the roof comes down, if you do not pay attention to your finance; it may not show now but as transition happens, you will see the gravity of your not paying attention to it.
3. Family life: many people learn family life as they get married and unfortunately the institution that are suppose to build and equip people in this area failing as a result of of negligence. Now try and ask young couples that if they get married their homes will not be a disaster; they will give you wonderful answers like: we will handover the house to Jesus, they will get a job, which is good but not all. Now don't forget that when you get married you will be living with human beings who have a will, not animals. If you do not understand the principles of human relations, sooner or later, during relationships a lot happens becuase its just two of you. When you get married relatives come, born again or not born again, are you seeing now, transition, many other factors that you are not aware of come in. Now I don't have problems with your success at this level becuase you have mastered the level but when you transit youn don't use the old formulars for the new level. So you must learn to transit with life otherwise you will be shocked.
4.Your carrier or professional life or generally speaking your assignment: now you can pray in tongues, have a good family, if you are a liability in your work placen if you are a liability in your office, they will check you out no matter what kind of tongues you pray.
5. Area of relationship and association: to some of us what we are talking about is not making sense because of the level we are in. But the shock is that transition happens instantly, that means you must prepare for a phase before you get there, you don't prepare when you get there cause transition is instantly.

Monday, October 10, 2016

NAKED PRAYER (Nehemiah 1:4)

In the word of God, we occasionally read about a place of naked prayer. People who pray in this way have been stripped of their self-consciousness, their concern about the opinion of others, and their pride. Hannah was a woman who prayed like this. When she came to the temple and poured all her locked up bitterness, she appeared drunk (1 Samuel 1:12-18). Even the priest did not recognize this kind of consuming passionate prayer.
God is raising up some men and women who will blow the mind of the most religious people! Radical Christians –those who have nothing to lose –are coming to the forefront. Like Christ, they have been laid bare on the cross and are speaking the truth under the threat of nails and spears.
When your options run out your faith will grow. Think about it. Who needs faith for water when you can turn on a faucet? Who needs faith for parting of the sea when the bridges standing strong? Faith is reserved for those times where are no alternative. When you must look to the invisible to do the impossible.
Your crisis is a privilege God has given you to experience of deeper realm of miracle-working power. Get up and start shouting! You have been chosen for a miracle. Faith must have the incubator for impossibility to grow. Don’t panic. This trouble is just a test –a test with a reward. So don’t stop short of the prize. The greater the conflict the greater the conquest.
Lay aside every sin that could trip you up. Forgive everyone who ever hurt you or disappointed you. Slip the spirit of heaviness from your shoulders – the old depression that is weighing you down. When you are stripped down to nothing but prayer, let your request be made known to God.
You may have to walk the floor and pray. You may have to confess some issues you have not wanted to confront. You may have to forgive somebody who wasn’t even courteous enough to ask for forgiveness. Do it anyway. Considering what God has done for you, you can’t afford any barriers to prayer.
Let the cool waters of His Word rinse the residue from your past. Spread before Him every issue; He can’t cleanse what will not expose. Bathe your mind in the streams of His mercy. This Kind of bathing is as Holy as Christening and as refreshing as a shower. It brings the renewal that can only occur in the heart of a woman who has been through enough to open her heart, to bored up her past , and to stand in the rain of His grace. The only way you can dress up for God is to undress. Present yourself as a living sacrifice offered on the alter in naked prayer

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

8 Bible ways to know if you are a pharisee. Part 1

8 Bible ways to know if you are a pharisee!
Luke 18:9-14
1. You are a pharisee when you lack the ability to receive correction.
The Bible potrays the wise as the one who is eager to accept correction. Proverb 27:17 says Iron sharpen Iron. But rebuke a person who has a religious spirit, rebuke a pharisee who is saturated in his ego and the god of self and he/she will get angry, they will become defensive, they will become rebelious.
Notice: when you become too big to receive correction, you become too big for God to use!

2. You are a pharisee when you boast " I only listen to God not to men"
But the Bible commands us to submit ourselves one to the other (Heb 13:17, 1Peter 5:5)
Notice: let me tell you something, pharisee hate spiritual authority!

3. You are a pharisee when you have inclanation to see the wrong in other people.
Fault finding is not the fruit of the spirit. Fault finding entice you to focus on the inadquacy and imperfection of other people rather than the perfection of Jesus Christ.
Notice: We are not here to examine to each other, we are here to follow Jesus Christ.

4. You are a pharisee when you feel you have been up-hunted to fix others.
Jesus said we cannot fix others because of the beam in our eyes.
Paul said who are you to judge another for by his own master does he rise or stand.

Receiving Christ.

Receiving Christ
"He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." 
John 6:47-59
Many thought that Jesus was speaking of cannibalism, but He was speaking of the spiritual man. Just as the physical man receives life from the food he eats, so the spiritual man receives life as he partakes of Jesus, the life of men (Jn. 1:4; 10:10; 14:6) or the "Bread of Life." Just as the life of a root is found in the soil, or a branch in the vine, or a fish in the sea, so the believer's true life is found to be in union with Christ.

The Bible presents salvation as a life transforming experience. Change is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a true believer. Yet, failure to understand that this change takes place in the spirit first, and is then reflected in the outward thoughts and actions, proportional to the way we renew our minds, has caused much confusion. This change has to take place in our bornagain spirit. Why is that? If you were overweight before you got saved, you will be overweight after you get saved, unless you go on a weight loss program. Your body doesn't instantly change. Also, your soulish or mental realm doesn't instantly change. How you thought about things before you got saved will be how you think after you get saved, until you start renewing you mind. The only part of you that is left is your spirit. It is your spirit that is instantly changed at salvation. It is perfect (Heb. 12:23). It cannot sin (1 Jn. 3:9). Everything that is true of Jesus is true of our bornagain spirit. Your spiritual salvation is complete. At salvation, you receive the same spirit that you will have throughout all eternity. It will not have to be changed again or cleansed again. It has been sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13) and is therefore sanctified and perfected forever (Heb. 10:10, 14; 12:23). Jesus lives in the spirit of believers. All that He is will be available to you if you will depend on Him instead of your own abilities.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I wonder why hypocrisy has become the norms of life in this generation; we allow the phrase of the devil "its the heart the Lord sees not the outward appearance" consume us that we have lost a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Decency has been watered down by arrogance. Who do we deceive? Brethren because grace abounds is not a ticket for you to flirt with the devil. He has live longer than you so you can't be wiser than him. Its time you decide to put away that hypocrisy or it will put you away for all eternity. Don't leave in that world of deception that "there is still more time" or "its just a common peck, common trouser, or just try it once" WRONG IS WRONG EVEN IF EVERYONE IS DOING IT AND RIGHT IS RIGHT EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE IS DOING IT! surrender all to Jesus while the door of mercy is still open wide for all...! Jesus loves You #Chants in the Spirit.
Nothing great happens on its own. There is no rise without a price. Without a reaction, there is no motion, and without motion there cannot be a change of position.
Life is not a biological accident, it is a deliberate creation of a great Creator. This is why those who undertake deliberate acts make most of it. No one succeeds by accident... #Chants in the Spirit.